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Emergency Food Package Distribution


The Food Resource Center partners with faith-based and social service organizations in Montgomery County to help feed the hungry. There are 26 food cupboards, 7 soup kitchens and 3 shelters in our network and many more that we work with informally. CADCOM directs the distribution of government food to each site and works with each site to ensure they meet state and federal regulations.  We also will help with food donations.  Please note: we do not distribute emergency food.  We will refer you to a local site as needed.

Please click here for the Federal Non-Discrimination statement


In addition to meeting the income guidelines, to receive food from a food cupboard you:

  • Must be a resident of Montgomery County and show proof of where you live

  • Have not received government food within the past month. (Particpants can receive government food once per month) 

Income Guidelines

Your current income should not exceed 200% of the Federal Income Poverty Guidelines.


There are no fees for this service.  It is against the law for government food to be re-sold and sites may not charge money or require services in exchange for food.

Program Contact Information

Mathew Williams
610-277-6363  #140

Program Brochure

Program Sponsors/Funding

Montgomery County Commissioners

Montgomery County Aging & Adult Services

PA Department of Agriculture

United States Department of Agriculture

Hunger-Free Pennsylvania

Private donors like you

What Does the Program Provide?

If you live in Montgomery County and meet the income guidelines, you will be eligible for an emergency food package that will feed you and your family for an average of three days. 

Note:  Some pantries may give additional food from private donations.

Program Background and Details


In addition to donations, food for the Emergency Food Programs in Montgomery County includes:


Contact CADCOM for details on how to donate food and let your federal and state legislators know you support these programs.  It is the public/private/community partnership that makes this work.

Contact Us


© Copyright 2023 by CADCOM
113 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
Phone: 610-277-6363
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