Home weatherization
Referral Program
CADCOM refers all weatherization for Montgomery county to Delaware County .
Anyone either owner or renter, who occupies the home they wish to have weatherized and whose income in the past 12 months does not exceed the guidelines.
If the property you are living in was weatherized on or before September 30, 1993, then it is eligible to be audited again. This date is set by the Federal Government; it is not a ‘10 year basis’.
Income Guidelines
Income 200% of Federal Poverty Level, based on your last 12 months of income.
None, the program is FREE.
What Does the Program Provide?
On Site Energy Audit — A DCED approved Energy Auditor will conduct a free energy analysis and will determine what work needs to be done.
Home Weatherization Work — The work will then be given to a contractor, who will make repairs that may include: caulking windows, window repairs, energy efficient light bulbs pipe wrap, attic insulation, weather stripping doors, adding door sweeps, and tuning up gas or oil heaters if needed.
Program Background and Details
This program runs year round; apply early to try and have the work done before it gets too cold or hot. The same reasons your home gets cold in the winter can lead to excessive heat in the summer. Information will be provided to you at the time of audit on “Energy and Safety Tips” and “Protect Your Family From Lead In Your Home”.
The state and federal governments pay through your tax dollars. There is no cost to you for any labor or materials, and no lien is ever placed on the house or property.
There is none. Just ask your friends and neighbors. Every month, more than 2,500 homes across Pennsylvania are being done.
You can’t afford not to! You need to save money. We all need to conserve energy. Through weatherization, both can be accomplished.
Ways to Give
These are very difficult times for many in our community. Even in a county as wealthy as Montgomery, the problems of homelessness, hunger and unemployment have become persistent. CADCOM operates at the front lines of these issues and needs the support of the community. Together with you we can help many people meet their immediate needs and move to self-sufficiency.
Please click on the links to the left to see how you can donate or volunteer.
Our United Way donor number is 9727
Luis Rodroguez, Client Services Program Coordinator
Phone:610-277-6363 ext. 118
Email: lrodriguez@cadcom.org